We Are Committed to Social Justice and Equity
At Neuro Educational Specialists, we work with children and adolescents and their families to provide comprehensive neuropsychological, psychoeducational and speech/language evaluations. We identify support services to address various learning styles and social-emotional needs. Using quantitative and qualitative evaluation tools, we focus on identifying strengths and opportunities to maximize your child’s potential at home and at school. Our services include, but are not limited to working with children and adolescents with: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disabilities, Executive Functioning challenges, Neuro-developmental disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injury, ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression. In addition, at NES, we offer advocacy and consultative services to help families access and understand the complex array of supports and services available to them, such as navigating the Special Education process.
Neuropsychological,psycho-educational & Speech/Language EVALUATION
What is a neuropsychological evaluation?
A child may be referred for a neuropsychological evaluation when there are concerns about one or more areas of their development and/or learning abilities. The purpose of the evaluation is to identify your child’s unique pattern of strengths and challenges in order to provide parents, schools and other providers with strategies to help your child succeed across contexts. The components addressed in a child’s evaluation are determined by the referral question (i.e., what are the parents and/or school concerned about?), the child's impressions, and observations made during interviews and test administration.
In order to assess whether a neuropsychological evaluation may be helpful for your child, a family may identify concerns in the following areas (click below for additional information):
Difficulties with verbal and nonverbal reasoning and problem solving
Requiring a significant amount of repetition and/or additional time when learning
Delays in adaptive functioning
Grades and standardized assessment scores below peers
Concerns with reading (phonetic development, fluency, comprehension), mathematics (calculation, word problems), or written expression (spelling, syntax, grammar, organization)
Needing additional time to complete schoolwork, homework, or tests
Frustration with academic work
Delay in the development of language
Expressive (output of language) or receptive (understanding of language) difficulties
Challenges initiating or maintaining a conversation
Difficulties with sarcasm or non-literal language
Repetitive or odd language usage (i.e., repeating lengthy scripts heard from television or news programs)
Pronoun reversals or odd use of language
Difficulty paying attention or sitting still
Needing frequent prompts or reminders to complete tasks
Difficulty with multiple-step commands
Losing or misplacing items
Forgetting to turn in completed assignments
Poor peer relations
Unexpected responses when approached by peers or adults
Difficulty with imaginative, functional, or reciprocal play
Limited interest in peers or preference for solitary play
Repetitive vocalizations
Repetitive motor mannerisms (i.e., hand flapping, finger flicking, body rocking)
Lining up toys, spinning wheels of cars, sorting objects for prolonged periods of time
Physical or verbal aggression
Defiance or non-compliance
Difficulties with transitions or changes in routine
Self-injury (i.e., head banging)
Poor frustration tolerance
Irritability or easily upset
Eating or sleeping difficulties
Somatic complaints
Negative self-statements
Lack of interest in things he/she used to enjoy
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Learning disabilities
Language disorders
Executive functioning problems
Cognitive functioning
Early Entrance Exams
Learning style — identifying strengths and weaknesses
Mood disorders, including anxiety and depression
Neurological conditions, such as seizure disorders
Developmental delays
Autism spectrum disorders
Evaluations for college aged individuals and/or adults to assist with accessing accommodations for college and graduate school
Consultation, Advocacy, and Community Outreach Services
Families may wish to seek our consultative, advocacy and/or community outreach services in order to understand available resources and/or help navigate the Special Education process.
Navigating special education
Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)
Section 504 Plans
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Specific Learning Disabilities
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Social Skills
Executive Functioning
Provide support, guidance and consultation around navigating:
The special education process
Individualized Education Plans (IEP)
504 Plans
Collaboratively work with families and schools to create a partnership to help improve educational success
Act as a liaison between families and community
Link to outside resources and professional services