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Sonia Cooper


Sonia Cooper, Ph.D., LCP, NCSP is a dually-credentialed Licensed Clinical Psychologist and a Nationally Certified School Psychologist.  Dr. Cooper’s undergraduate studies fueled a passion for working with individuals with autism and inspired her pursuit of a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Illinois State University, and a master’s and doctoral degree in School Psychology from Northern Illinois University. Her doctoral cognate focused on behavior management as well as low-incidence, emotional, and behavioral disabilities. Dr. Cooper is a member of the National Association of School Psychologists and the American Psychological Association.

As a licensed school psychologist working both in the schools and clinical settings across the suburbs of Chicago, Dr. Cooper has experience working with multi-disciplinary teams and is committed to collaborating with both the families and schools. She worked as a behavior therapist and as an ABA therapist providing direct treatment services to individuals with autism addressing behavioral challenges (functional-based assessments and teach appropriate replacement behaviors), social skills, and communication skills. Dr. Cooper’s background working in the schools facilitated extensive knowledge for academic support systems, school-based interventions, IEPs, and Section 504 plans. This background also allows for seamless integration of evaluation results and findings into practical, individualized recommendations for interventions to maximize each child’s potential.  Throughout the evaluation process, Dr. Cooper assures that parents feel heard and supported, and provides the resources they need to understand their child’s learning profile. 

Dr. Cooper uses data extensively to guide decision-making, improve instruction, and enhance student learning. She provides support to school districts in developing and implementing an integrated, data-driven Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) using evidence-based academic and behavioral programming. Her expertise in behavior management allows her to guide teams and families with behavioral planning for students, building capacity within teams to develop proactive structures, respond to, and plan targeted behavioral supports resulting in student success. Dr. Cooper presents at conferences and workshops on utilizing meaningful data to inform curriculum, instruction, and individual student needs. 

Dr. Cooper provides training and consultation to school districts in understanding and developing compliant, high-quality individualized education programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities. Professional development series focuses on developing a common understanding of IEPs, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act’s guiding principles and the more recent implications of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Endrew F. decision, and utilizing data to make all instructional decisions.